- Experience: House: District 28, 2005-Present
- Home State: Texas
- Running: President, United States, 2016
- Total Raised: $1,241,001Coverage End: Thursday, June 30, 2016
- Winning: Won with 0.00%
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- Full Name: Henry Cuellar
- Gender: Male
- Family: Wife: Imelda; 2 Children: Christy, Catie
- Birth Date: 09/19/1955
- Birth Place: Laredo, TX
- Home City: Laredo, TX
- Religion: Catholic
- PhD, Government, University of Texas, Austin, 1998
- MBA, International Trade, Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University, 1982
- JD, University of Texas-Austin, 1981
- BS, Foreign Service, Georgetown University, 1978
- AA, Political Science, Laredo Community College, 1976
Political Experience
- Representative, United States House of Representatives, 2005-present
- Candidate, United States House of Representatives, District 23, 2002
- Secretary of State, State of Texas, 2001
- Representative, Texas State House of Representatives, 1987-2001
- Texas Delegate, National Democratic Convention, 1992
- Sustaining Member, Texas Democratic Party, 1984
Current Legislative Committees
- Appropriations, Member
- Subcommittee on Homeland Security, Member
- Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, Member
- Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies, Member
Caucuses/Non-Legislative Committees
- Member, Blue Dog Coalition
- Former Member, Calendar Committee, Texas State House of Representatives
- Member, Congressional Hispanic Caucus
- Member, Democratic Policy Committee
- Member, Democratic Steering Committee
- Former Member, Higher Education Committee, Texas State House of Representatives
- Former Member, House Appropriations Committee, Texas State House of Representatives
- Founder, House Pro-Trade Caucus
- Chair, House Pro-Trade Caucus
Professional Experience
- Licensed United States Customs Broker
- Former Dish Washer
- Arbitrator
- Mediator
- Attorney, Law Office of Henry Cuellar
- Instructor, Department of Government, Laredo Community College, 1982-1986
- Adjunct Professor, International Commercial Law, Texas Agricultural and Mechanical International University,
Religious, Civic, and other Memberships
- Member, American Bar Association
- President, Board of Directors, International Good Neighbor Council
- Member, College, State Bar of Texas
- Member, Inter-American Bar Association
- Member, Texas State Bar Association
- Member, Webb County/Laredo Bar Association
- Member, Board of Advisers, Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy, University of Texas Law School, 2002
- Member, Texas Lyceum, 1997
- Member, International Trade Association, Laredo State University, 1988
- Legal Adviser, Local Chapter, American GI,, 1986-1987
- Member, Advisory Board, Stop Child Abuse and Neglect, 1984
- President, Board of Directors, Laredo Legal Aid Society, Incorporated, 1982-1984
- President, Laredo Young Lawyers Association, 1983-1984
- Member, Board of Directors, Kiwanis Club of Laredo, 1982-1983
- Member, Board of Directors, United Way, 1982-1983
- President, Laredo Volunteer Lawyers Program, Incorporated, 1982-1983
- Co-Founder, Laredo Volunteer Lawyers Program, Incorporated, 1982-1983
- Treasurer, Stop Child Abuse and Neglect, 1982-1983
- Co-Founder, Stop Child Abuse and Neglect, 1982-1983
Additional Information
- Award of Appreciation for Making a Significant Contribution in the Field of Education Through Teaching, Service
and Leadership, Texas Agricultural and Mechanical International University, 2005
- Patriotic Education to Children Award, Zapata North Early Childhood Center, 2006
- Award of Appreciation for Continued Dedication and Commitment, Matias De Llano, Jr. Elementary School, 2005
- Legislative Leadership Award, Texas Chamber of Commerce
- Harry Hatry Distinguished Performance Measurement Practice Award, Urban Institute's Public Management Program,
- Special Honoree, Teaching and Mentoring Communities, 2012
- Imagine Award, Imaginarium of South Texas, 2012
- Guardian of Small Business Award, National Federation of Independent Business, 2012
- Recognition in Honor of Max Mandel Award, City of Laredo Chamber of Commerce, 2012
- Special Recognition Award, The Bubble Home Project, 2010
- Continue Support to Laredo Veterans Award, South Texas Afghanistan Iraq Veterans Association, 2010
- Distinguished Community Health Centers SuperHero Award, National Association of Community Health Centers,
- Legislative White Hat Award, Texas Farmers Union, 2010
- Spirit of Enterprise Award for the Second Session of the 110th Congress, The United States Chamber of Commerce,
- Certificate of Appreciation and Support, National Association of Community Health Centers, Incorporated
- Award of Appreciation, Latin America Business Advisory Council, 2006
- Award of Recognition, United States Department of Homeland Security and United States Border Patrol, 2008
- Charles Dick Medal of Merit, National Guard, 2008
- Recognition of Contribution, Buenos Aires Elementary School, 2006
- Lifetime Member Award, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), San Antonio, 2006
- Young Democrats Award, Webb County Young Democrats, 2004-2005
- Award of Recognition for Outstanding Commitment to Fight Drunk Driving and Underage Drinking, The Century
Council, 2005
- Award of Appreciation, Texas League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), 2005
- Fighting Hunger Award, South Texas Food Bank, 2005
- Certificate of Participation, Seguin Holiday Stroll, 2005
- Certificate of Recognition of Hard Work, Long Efforts and Outstanding Commitment, City of Rio Bravo, Texas,
- Mr. South Texas, Washington's Birthday Celebration Association, 2008
- Certificate of Recognition for Dedication and Support to All Veterans, Catholic War Veterans, 2008
- Award for Manufacturing Excellence for the 109th Congress, National Association of Manufacturers, 2007
- Award of Appreciation of Support, Newman Elementary School, 2007
- Certificate of Recognition, Gateway Community Health Center, 2006
- Certificate of Appreciation for Dedicated Service and Support, Laredo Community College, 2005
- Career Day Speaker Recognition, United South High School, 2012
- Spirit of Enterprise Award, United States Chamber of Commerce, 2012
- Golden Eagle Award, McAllen Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, 2010
- Thank You For Supporting Diversity Award, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Safety and
Inspection Service (FSIS), 2009
- Certificate of Recognition for Efforts in the First Session of the 110th Congress to Help Preserve and Expand
America's Health Centers, National Association of Community Health Centers, 2008
- Fighting Hunger Award, South Texas Food Bank, 2007
- Master of Ceremonies Recognition, Princess Pocahontas Council, 2007
- Community Award, Gary Job Corps
- Outstanding Commitment Award, The Association of Laredo Forwarding Agents, 2006
- Certificate of Appreciation for Continued Support, Texas State Guard, 2006
- Award of Grateful Appreciation, Vidal M. Trevino School of Communications and Fine Arts, 2006
- Recognition of Contribution, Hebbronville Vaquero Festival, 2006
- Awarded the Key to the City, City of Odessa, 2005
- Certificate of Appreciation for Dedication and Commitment to Education, Zapata County Independent School
District, 2005
- Award of Appreciation for many years of Invaluable Service, South Texas Merchants Association, 2006
- Cum Laude Graduate, Georgetown University
- Champion of Healthcare Innovation Award, Healthcare Leadership Council, 2012
- Friend of Farm Bureau Award, Farm Bureau Federation, 2012
- Friends of the Americas Award, Border Trade Alliance, 2010
- Golden Triangle Award, National Farmers Union, 2009
- Honorary Director, Border Olympics, 2009
- Recognition and Appreciation for True Leadership, City of Rio Bravo, 2009
- Recognition Award for Supporting Gateway Community Health Center, Gateway Community Health Center, 2009
- Award of Appreciation for Hard and Never Ending Contributions, City of Rio Bravo, 2008
- Legislative Recognition Award, American Ambulance Association, 2008
- Friend of the Farm Bureau Award, Texas Farm Bureau, 2008
- Certificate of Appreciation for Valuable Contributions, United South High School, 2007
- Certificate of Excellence, National Breast Cancer Coalition, 2007
- Award of Appreciation for Congressional Leadership, Texas Propane and Gas Association, 2007
- Certificate of Recognition for Valuable Contributions, Mirabeau B. Lamar Middle School, 2007
- Fighting Hunger Award, South Texas Food Bank, 2006
- Recognition of Contribution, Texas Agricultural and Mechanical International University, 2006
- Certificate of Appreciation for Dedication to Helping Change Peoples Lives, Community Action Council of South
Texas, 2005
- Golden Triangle Award, National Farmers Union, 2011
- Certificate of Appreciation, Career Day Speaker, J.B. Alexander High School, 2010
- Outstanding Dedication, Service and Contribution Award, City of Roma, 2010
- Distinguished Community Health Superhero, National Association of Community Health Centers, 2009
- Appreciation Award for the Expansion of Children's Health Insurance Program, Farias Elementary School, 2009
- In Appreciation for Participating in Hispanic Heritage Month, Department of Homeland Security, 2009
- Recognition Award, Arbor Day Ceremony, J.W. Nixon High School, 2009
- Defender of Small Business Award, National Federation of Independent Business, 2008
- Awarded the Key to the City, City of El Cenizo, 2007
- Award of Recognition for Valuable Contributions, Women's City Club, 2007
- Certificate of Appreciation, Dr. Dennis D. Cantu Health Science Magnet School, 2007
- Thomas Jefferson Award, International Foodservice Distributors Association, 2006
- Certificate of Recognition for Extraordinary Leadership in Support of Hispanic Higher Education Success,
Hispanic Association of Colleagues and Universities, 2006
- Recognition Award, South Texas Rural Health Service, 2006
- Certificate of Appreciation, United Independent School District, 2006
General Survey
Total: 61
Introduced Date | Bill Number | Bill Title | Last Action |
03/01/2005 | H.Res.128 | Recognizing the 250th anniversary of Laredo, Texas. | 03/01/2005 Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. (All Actions) |
Total: 1285
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