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California Governor Defends China Amid Trump’s Anti-China Sentiments
By Ana Ablaza  
OP 01/20/2017

California Governor Jerry Brown wants to continue working with China even if President Trump doesn't.

American President Donald Trump raised controversy over his recent dealings with the Taiwanese president and his comments on the One China policy. However, California Governor Jerry Brown is not likely to follow suit.

The Californian leader released several statements pertaining to his continued cooperation with China especially on the environment.

"We are working together with China," he said. "Whatever little differences we have, or whatever big differences, the fact is, we have one world. We have one space we're all connected by."

Brown was referring to the ongoing collaboration between the California government and China on developing new approaches on renewable energy. The studies that are done with China could help the state deal with its challenges on preserving the environment's resources.

Brown recently spoke at the Lunar New Year celebration at the Chinese embassy. He stated that working with China was at the "state's great interest."

"There will be a few side arguments in Washington," Brown said. "Don't worry. When it comes to California and China, we're on the right track, and we're going to stay there."

Joe Matthews, a writer for the San Diego Tribune, said that working with China will be better for the U.S. in many ways.

He wrote, "A sustained conflict between China and the U.S. could produce new restrictions on the flow of money and people, with devastating results for California."

He added: "Our public universities rely both on federal funds from D.C.--and top-dollar, out-of-state tuition fees from Chinese students to subsidize the education of Californians. So any Trump restrictions on foreign visitors--or retaliatory Chinese limits on overseas study and travel--could blow up the University of California's business model."

Matthews suggested that President Trump should take more precaution when dealing with China.

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