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1月19号川普亚太裔顾问委员会(Asian Pacific American Advisory Committee, APAAC)联合亚裔共和党全国委员会(National Committee of Asian American Republicans, Asian.GOP)在华盛顿五月花酒店(MayflowerHotel)举办了预祝川普就职庆祝晚会。 活动当晚将任总统、副总统均未出席,让人不免有些遗憾,但出席人数却远大于预期,约800至900人出席了本次晚会。 话不多说 直接上图 让你感受下什么叫 “人山人海” “气势恢宏” 除此之外,本次活动都有哪些看点呢? 当晚各政界精英,社区领袖、商界名流欢聚一堂、载歌载舞,为第二日川普的正式就职而由衷地高兴。 Honorable Ralph DLG Torres, Governor of the Northern Mariana Islands, APAAC Co-Chair (middle of 1st row) Mr. Derek Uehara, a candidate for the Henderson City Council, APAAC Member (first right); Andy Nguyen, Commissioner of Tarrant County, APAAC Member (first left) Ralph DLG Torres, Governor of the Northern Mariana Islands, APAAC Co-Chair (first left); Eddie Baza Calvo, Governor of Guam, APAAC Co-Chair (second right); KV Kumar, The recipient of 2015 Ellis Island Medal of Honor and served all Presidents from President Ronald Reagan (first right) Asian.GOP member with Attendees Ed Royce, Chairman of the United States House (5th right); Mr. Puneet Ahluwalia, The 10th District Representative on the Virginia Republican State Central Committee (3rd right) 特色点心 随吃随拿 邀您品鉴 乳猪的香味 早已让人“飞流直下三千尺” 他们用身体 扭动出欢乐的音符 娃娃也不甘示弱 为了川普 为了胜利 舞起来吧 击起来吧 这是一个难忘的夜晚 为了第二天川普的正式上任 跟随音乐起舞吧 尽情享乐吧 本次活动使得亚太裔社区与政界主流联系更加紧密,让亚太裔族群更好地融入主流社会、提升了整个族群的政治地位! 在川普及新一届内阁的带领下,我们期盼美国能有更加美好的未来,在工作、安全、自由等议题上能给予亚裔充分的保障,同时期待接下来的四年川普能“Make America Great Again"! |
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