WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 25, 2015) – Congressman Dave Brat (R-VA) issued the following statement today after the Supreme Court announced its 6-3 decision in King v. Burwell:
“Today’s Supreme Court decision erodes the constitutional checks and balances that protect the rights of all Americans. The court declared that the plain language of a law passed by Congress doesn’t mean what it clearly says.
“Although I don’t agree with the Obamacare law, we’ve heard repeatedly that it’s the law of the land and we all must follow it – that is, unless you’re the president. The Supreme Court just rubber-stamped the administration’s blatant disregard for the law, telling the president he doesn’t have to follow it – a law that he helped author – when it doesn’t fit his agenda. Can any other American citizen get away with that?
“How can the American people feel secure in their freedom when their government breaks its own laws and the Supreme Court endorses the lawlessness? It’s a sad day for the rule of law in America.
“Today’s decision further proves that Obamacare was a terrible idea and a poorly written law to begin with. Contrary to the president’s promises, health care costs and insurance premiums have increased, millions of people have lost the insurance plans and the doctors they had, and there are still millions of people who lack coverage.
“We must repeal Obamacare and replace it with alternatives that create real affordability and get the heavy hand of government out of the way. We must allow insurance companies to compete across state lines, give people the same tax deductions that employers get when they buy insurance, restore state regulation of health insurance and health care, and eliminate roadblocks to innovation.”
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