Here's What Rick Santorum And Bobby Jindal Told Us About Faith and Freedom

At Faith and Freedom Coalition’s “Road to the Majority” event today, we asked two Republican presidential players to share their thoughts on some related hot-button political issues in the news.

Here’s what former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum -- who is running for president in 2016 –- and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal -– who we’re pretty sure will -- had to say about Democrats talking gun control in the wake of the tragic Charleston church shooting, flying the confederate flag and the Supreme Court’s decision on gay marriage.

What do you think when you hear Democrats talking about gun control right now?

Santorum: "I think that's politicizing a very tragic event that has serious repercussions about who we are as a country I mean the idea that there would be this kind of racial crime in America purely hate-filled evil crime driven by race is is enough to focus on. To try to piggyback that onto something else I think is really disrespectful."

Watch the news video at http://abcnews.go.com/video/embed?id=31900438

You are against gay marriage. Would you support a Supreme Court decision legalizing it?

Santorum: “As I've said repeatedly I'll wait and see what the Supreme Court is going to decide, but I don't change my opinion . If the Supreme Court decides something is right or something is wrong -- that's the great thing about our Republic, is that civil institutions make decisions whether they're laws or whether they're executive orders or whether they're Supreme Court decisions and you, as a free person in this country, can go out and still advocate for what you believe in.”

Watch the news video at http://abcnews.go.com/video/embed?id=31900601

What's your reaction when you see the politicians talking about gun control in the wake of a massacre like this?

Jindal: "Look the President's remarks within the first 24 hours are still within the first 48 hours - I think it's shameful to score cheap political points. He's the commander-in-chief. He should be uniting us he needs to be bringing us together it's a time for healing if you want a great contrast look at Gov. Nikki Haley -- her tremendous leadership during this crisis this is a time to come together as one country in prayer and start the healing process."

Watch the news video at http://abcnews.go.com/video/embed?id=31900736

Should the confederate flag still flying in South Carolina or anywhere else in the United States?

Jindal: We'll let the states decide that, but again, just like the gun issue -- let's have that debate at the right time. And right now we should all be in mourning. I think flags should be at half-mast across our states across our country. Now's a time for mourning. Now's the time to tell our kids it really doesn’t matter, we're all brothers and sisters ... I happen to be a Christian, and those are brothers and sisters of mine in my faith. Whether you're Christian or not -- whatever you wish -- those were our brothers and sisters, it doesn’t matter if in South Carolina, it doesn’t matter [if you are] Black or White, young or old -- those were our brothers and sisters killed in that church.”

Watch the news video at http://abcnews.go.com/video/embed?id=31901007.

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